Data and specification subject to change without notice eds1167 1017. Exhaust emission data sheet c25 n6 60 hz spark ignited generator set epa emissions cummins inc. For owners of the vintage super champ and various ampegs, the hunt for 6c10 tubes is becoming more and more frustrating and expensive. By coincidence, im working on a silvertone 4590 which also uses 6n6 tubes. This will allow you to slide the mounting rings the length of the optical tube. Drop in tube replacement 6n6 v 6cg7 audiogon discussion. All of the tubes were visibly upset at any screen voltage above 300 volts.
Currently, a 12ax7 variant derived from the 6n2pev is being produced by sovtek, under the designation 12ax7wa. Lately, lots of people have been trying to pass off the more common 6ac10 tubes as 6c10s in places like ebay, and in some cases charging 6c10 prices for them. If you have never used this facility before, click the help link. E6c2c, e6c3c series incremental rotary encoder od 50 dia. Vacuum tube 5c22 6279, thyratron, hydrogen antique electronic supply. Ge essential characteristics, the whole 228 page book in an indexed pdf file big, 11mb.
Was there any way to use this tube in triode or ul mode. Bold designators are close or identical, italic designators are different ratings, different pinouts or different filament voltages. The maximum mark for this examination paper is 40 marks. Gce asa level 2420u101a physics as unit 1 data booklet. Tube 6c4 or rohre 6c4 id2842, triode, vacuum, miniatur7pinbase b7g, usa 1940 and universal shown. Plate current 40 ma plate voltage 150 volts grid voltage 9 volts transconductance 45,000 umho 45 mav mu factor 52 interelectrode capacitance input 11 pf output 1. Antique radio forums view topic 6n6 replacement tube 6k6. This data booklet deals with grundfos heavyduty sewage pumps called s pumps, range 70. I think that this tube would be a great candidate for a screen drive experiment, but i have not tried it yet. Quality soviet hiend output triode svetlana 6s4s 6c4c. Synchrotron radiation parameters registration using beam. This is historic data that we found on the internet. According to the 1946 sylvania tube manual, the 6n6 is a dual triode with direct coupling from one section to the other, and is the octal equivalent of the 6b5. Best to ask when you need a tube electrically similar.
The 5c22 hydrogen thyratron is a hotcathode gridcontrolled gas rectifier tube especially designed for pulsing service at high repetition frequencies, high peak currents, and high voltages. A clean copy of this booklet should be issued to candidates for their use during each. Try to find 3 or 4 new tubes of the same type and match them up. E6c3c, e6c2cwz6c, e6c2cwz3e, e6c2cwz1x, e6c3cwz5gh, e6c3cwz3eh, e6c3cwz3xh. Swagelok tube fittings is that the tubing must be softer than the fitting. Tubes cant be substituted since they have different bases but are electrically similar. Was the cayin designed with a different tube than the one advertised. Lately, lots of people have been trying to pass off the more common 6ac10 tubes as 6c10s in places like. It was used as an rf and if amplifier in am broadcast radio receivers. Like mentioned 6j5, 12 6sn7 and 12 12au7 will all work in most circuits designed for 6c4 but this wont be found in books. I usually tend to use 5u4gbs as the rectifier when needing a high current tube rectifier and account for the larger voltage drop with the correct transformer however the 5ar4gz34 is a good tube as well. Technical data sheet description description 90 e part number 10115349 marking according to en e2 colour code yellow labels characteristics weight g 6279, thyratron, hydrogen antique electronic supply. Etc, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors.
Downloads, supreme instruments manuals, tube data, and. Vacuum tube 5c22 6279, thyratron, hydrogen antique. C80hd refractor telescope c102hd refractor telescope. Welcome to the tube data sheet locator, a popular web resource for finding data on vacuum tubes. Has anyone tried those 6ac10 tubes as a replacement for 6c10. Tube 6cb6 or rohre 6cb6 id3719, vacuum pentode, miniatur7pinbase b7g, usa 1940 and rfifstage shown. Lawrence berkeley national laboratory introduction.
It does begin to glow at at voltages over 250 to 300 volts depending on the individual tube. The 5ar4 and gz34 is an indirectly heated cathode tube which means it takes longer to warm up. I wouldnt expect to get a real idea of the quality of a tube type from two random used tubes. Although offered in good faith, there are no guarantees with this information. The key to selecting proper tubing for use with metal.
You will need to be an experienced test technician to carry out these repairs. An increase in intensity in the sound is heard for the first time when the air column length is. Mathematics books for free math questions and answers. Quality soviet svetlana hiend output triode 6s4s 6c4c. Datasheet of triodes, diodes, penthodes,tetrodes, vacuum tubes. The 5751wa tube is a rugged military version of the 5751, and is the closest equivalent to the 6n2pev. The carton is marked for both us army and us navy and made by sylvania for galvin manufacturing corporation, as contractor. Has anyone tried those 6ac10 tubes as a replacement for. Two flasks p and q contain an ideal gas and are connected with a tube of negligible volume compared to that of the flasks. In its day, it was considered a normal triode with somewhat different curves from the 6j5. A chinese version of 6n2p exists, labeled in latin lettering instead of cyrillic 6n2.
Russian 6p3s, 6p3se 6n3c, 6n3ce general tetrode, used in output stages of low frequency amplifiers. Technical data sheet description description 90 e part number 10115349 marking according to en e2 colour code yellow labels characteristics weight g tube page. Like all wide band amplifier active devices it has a high mutual conductance figure so that feedback can achieve a wide band design. I got this idea that if i could run ul at a reduced screen voltage that this tube would rock, so i wired an 0a2 in series with the screen grid. Xray properties of elements electron binding energies xray energy emission energies fluorescence yields for k and l shells principal auger electron energies. Substitutes are given as a guide only please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Delve into mathematical models and concepts, limit value or engineering mathematics and find the answers to all your questions. Double triode, 6h8c datasheet, 6h8c circuit, 6h8c data sheet. The 76 and 6p5 are the same tubes with different bases 5 pin and octal respectively.
142 489 1376 514 491 1154 122 393 1583 539 742 212 1235 355 919 774 83 1322 791 1488 860 929 395 60 795 85 1218 172 871 707 497 1451 706 935 20 481 183 562